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July 7th 2011 Check-In

Working from home today and just had the week’s groceries delivered. This means I’ll have time to make my green smoothies for the week (I make enough for 7 portions, which I freeze in half-quart Kilner (Mason) jars) for defrosting each day. I’ll also make a couple of jars of beet kvass, and a big jar of lacto-fermented carrots which will make a great relish on my meals throughout the week.

To get started with lacto-fermentation, read this great blog post:

Lacto-Fermentation for Beginners

My workout today was Susan’s Yoga Step DVD (again – I do love that workout). Food-wise, I had smoked trout and prawns for breakfast, along with some steamed spinach.

I think lunch is going to be leftover pea & mint soup and a red kidney bean & miso salad.

For dinner, I’m planning on ribbeye steak & sauteed mushrooms.

How’s your real food day going?

P.S. – Here’s a great resource for you.  It’s a little .pdf booklet – a uide to real food from the terrific Weston A Price Foundation.  This is good basic information, with some nice real food recipes.  Every home should have one of these!

(Right-click and select “Save Link As” to save it to your PC).


6 responses »

  1. Sounds like you have everything planned out for the week and that is good. I plan my foods out as well. I still need to get the book about real foods and I downloaded the PDF and will look at it later. What I am going to try to do is eliminate one processed food at a time and see how that goes and see how I can replace things like butter, mayo, and cheese. I think those will be my hardest foods for I don’t want the highest fats ( I have to still eat lower fats for I have no gallbladder) of them and or the most caloric of them, but yet still organic and real and good for me ( without being processed). That will be a big challenge for me. Well, I am glad you are going to have a good day and I did the bike this morning and burned 357 calories and will do the bike again when my son naps and burn more. Have a good rest of the day! :=]

    • Brian Cormack Carr

      That’s a great approach, Marianne. One step at a time. I bet some of the foods you eliminate will stop being appealing once you’ve got used to real foods to replace them.

  2. leanne Wheeler

    Yesterday I did my 12 minutes. It stormed here power went out. Because of the storm I didnt walk, but I did ride my bike. so I am good. I am already starting to notice changes in my body.My face is not as puffy as it was. I didnt get tired yesterday afternooon and some other body function are getting back to normal. I dont feel so ” wired” or uppity…just calm ( or as my daddy says “smooooth”).

    For breakfast/lunch (its almost noon) I am making scarmble eggs with left over pork chop and steamed zucchini…..dinner is still up in the air. I probably shop the wrong way for food as a fat person trying to not be fat…but I shop pretty much each day. If the tuna looks fresh maybe I will have that.

    I am going to walking this evening with my son, Christopher.He has been at my side these past few days, so for a 16 year old boy he either is trying to hit me up for something, or just wants to talk and spend time with me, which I would love very much….

    well thats about it…have a great day!!

  3. Ok, that guide is awesome! I have it open right now to look at. Your meal plan sounds delish. I’m feeling kinda down today so I’m going to give myself a break for a day or two from my expectations and take it easy. I will be planning my new menu for this up coming week. Usually my shopping day is Wednesday but I missed that yesterday cause my week has thrown me for a loop. No biggie though I’ll get back on track. I have noticed that lately, it takes me longer to recover from physical or emotional stress. I don’t just bounce back or let things roll of my back as easily as I used to. My nerves are fried I guess?? I am pretty sure that I have PTSD but I haven’t seen a doctor about it because for the last 3 years I was trying to adopt my grandson (it’s final now, yipee!) and I felt that a mental health dx would jeopardize my chances…I got off track but the point is that it’s going to take me a few days to rejoin the challenge…but I will. Today I commit to writing up my menu and shopping list.

    • Brian Cormack Carr

      Sounds like some rest and quiet time is the most nourishing thing you could do for yourself today. It’s fine to relax your expectations. And don’t forget, you can “treat” yourself without feeling guilty, when you’re eating real food. I just did that…after lunch I was still a bit hungry, so I thought “to hell with it, I’m having a snack” and I ate a big hunk of organic stilton cheese, and a small bowl of fresh raspberries and cream followed by a couple of squares of dark chocolate. Delicous! And no guilt.

      You also may want to look into nourishing your adrenals, which may be depleted, especially if you’ve been living under constant stress for a time. Stinging nettle infusion is great for the adrenals; oatstraw is great for the nerves:

      I’ve also found CoQ10 to be good for helping with energy levels:

      The best thing of all though is getting plenty of rest and sleep. Take it easy and let us know how things are going for you…..


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